Category: Podcasts

[THE WHEEL] Bottom 5: CGI

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The Wheel has returned… and the narrative of the Wheel takes a new turn!  Get it? Nevermind…

Anyway, there are some new topics on the Wheel, and we have been hit with one of them.  You know how Rob and Hatton are always talking about their favorite things? Well, this week they are talking about the Bottom 5, the worst, the shameful, the hysterically bad, and the ‘wait what?’ in the realm of computer generated graphics and green screen in film.

So gather round and think back to all of those horrible aliens, blood splatters, and technological marvels that were clearly added in post, just like your hosts on BOTTOM 5: CGI

Ok, here we go!

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[SOMETHING IN REVIEW] Shang-Chi w/ Geoff Vita!

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It has been a long time since we have tackled the world of comic book swashbuckling, so we’re doing it with style by inviting one of our ol’ friends to talk funny books and martial arts – the maestro of Kung-Fu Drive-in Podcast, Geoff Vita!

We’re heading off to Ta Lo to discuss some of the bigger pictures of the new Marvel Phase, discussing representation in the new run of Marvel movies, and of course how much kickass is the new MCU butt-kicker kickin

So join us as we head to a mystical land, and remember, ‘kick, punch, it’s all in the mind

Ok, here we fu!

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Nicolas Cage Movies

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It’s February, and you know what that means… it’s time for another episode. I actually am not entirely sure what else it could mean.  

To start off this month of love, we are bringing one of America’s sweethearts to the front of the line. He has been an action star, a romance star, a heist star, a car star, and a truffle farmer st– wait what? Anyway.. it’s Momma Coppola’s Baby Boy – Nicolas Cage. 

From a meme legacy to being a lot of people’s favorite dirty secret… Cage has been in a LOT of movies, and we’re here to just talk about a few of our favorites.  So settle in, swallow after every thing you say, and keep your mouth slightly agape – it’s time for our favorite Nic Cage movies. 

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[THE END] Star Trek TOS

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Podcasts… The Final Frontier..

It’s time for the first End of 2021, so we are going to the future to talk about one of the godfathers of modern sci-fi – Star Trek – and discussing its final episode. Will Kirk and the boys hold up the banner of Starfleet high and make us all feel comfortable with the future Roddenberry envisioned… or will they try and tell us women are amazing and gentle creatures prone to psychotic mood swings?

Find out on THE END: Star Trek ..but you probably already have it figured out.

Ok, here we boldly go..

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[THE WHEEL] Mysteries of the Somethingverse – A.I.

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We’re back with The Wheel – and where it stops, nobody knows… well, I mean.. we do, because we recorded it.. and you do because you can see the episode title. Look, work with me, ok?

Anyway, what do you think about artificial intelligence? What do you think about the idea that computers out there will one day take us over completely and we will be slaves to their machinations? Did Asimov have it right about making sure they can’t hurt us? Or is it all just a bunch of claptrap hooey for sci-fi writers and the 5g chip embedded in your mind?

Join us as we take a dive into a topic we honestly have very little right talking about, but that’s never stopped us before. It’s time for Mysteries of the Somethingverse: Artificial Intelligence

Ok, here we go – if the overlords allow us…

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[SOMETHING IN REVIEW] Matrix: Resurrections

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…we have to go back….

No, not that island, you masochists – we have to go back to a land where computers fill the air, because computers invented the air.. and your desk.. and your headphones.. and possibly those hundreds of guys in nice suits running at you.  That’s right, we’re going back into the series that asked us ‘are we really here or are we actually in robot goo pods’ – THE MATRIX

Wire-fu, Bullet time, hot people in trenchcoats – The Matrix changed action movies forever, and made your friend with the wolf shirts look fashionable for a minute… does the new one hold up that high bar?

There’s only one way to find out – let’s go to the movies with Something In Review: Matrix Resurrections

Ok, here we …whoa… (i’m really proud of that one)

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Snopes 2021


DIDJA MISS US?  We missed you – but most of all, we realized in our Retrocast journey how much we missed looking at some of the silliness that has gone out on the internet waves over the last year and wanted to talk about them. 

Did you know if you click through these 45 pages, you can find the mysterious answer to a question after a thousand short and unnecessary sentences that don’t actually add to the whole of the story at all and are just a giant run on to get you to click to the end of the story? 

Yeah, that’s a thing…  but that’s not what we do – we are talking some of the biggest stories of Snopes for the last year, and the debunks you have to share with your Aunt who believes her Alexa Funtendo has cancelled her episodes of the Home Shopping Network she saved on her DVD Toaster to upload later.

Ready? Oh, we sure as hell are…. Ok, here we go, again!

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We did it! We got through December, and even as you read this, Rob and I are getting ready for 2022 episodes… so as we say good-bye to this year that was, overall, a year that occurred – let me just throw a couple of things out there. 
1 – Thank you to each and every one of you that have joined us on our podcasting journey
2 – Thank you Rob for keeping me on track in all things Something. 

Now, let’s get to my last retroepisode, which isn’t too Retro, but I couldn’t do a list of my favorite episodes without revisiting the little ball of hate that this episode brought to life. It is the Review of ‘Cecil Hotel’ a Netflix documentary that .. well.. it spawned some opinions.  From March 9th, 2021 – The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel, enjoy!

Our original post:
Do you dig murder?  I mean… not like that… but do you find yourself mindlessly addicted to documentaries about the horrible things that horrible people do to people?

Yeah, look, we all do. That said, there is a new one on Netflix, but the results aren’t precisely what you think they are. The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel takes a police procedural documentary and turns it on its ear with the focus moving from the important facts of the case and sliding on over to an entirely different topic.  

Is it good? Is it worth it? We have opinions…. oh boy, do we. And once you are done, be certain to check out Hatton’s article on Vocal.Media

Okaaaay here we go!

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We are winding down our Retrocast Party, but we have this one and one more… and they are some doozies!  First off, Rob has chosen an episode where we tried something a little different, stick around though, the second half of the episode reveals all. It is a favorite for everyone except for those that have never seen the curvature of the globe… it’s Flat Earth, from April 30th 2019.

Our original post:
In the last month or two a documentary came out talking about one of the strangest theories of the last couple decades.. is it a sign that perhaps we were wrong about the make up of our universe or is it the inevitable problem of what happens when everybody finds a friend on the internet?

Well, join Podcast Rob and Hatton on Episode 134as they deep dive into the documentary Behind The Curve, available on Netflix, which discusses the possibility that this planet we all know and love (planet here meaning a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.)

Two other notes – first, the end song of today’s show is “Turtles All The Way Down” by New Jersey legends A Halo Called Fred. You can find the whole song right here. And their YouTube Channel right here! Thanks for the assist, you crazy kids!

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[NEW!] Christmas Party 2021

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First – this is not, I repeat, not a RetroSomething… this is an all-new, all-special, all-Friday, all-Yuletide festive party.  Since it’s Christmas Eve, we thought we would let you unwrap a gift first – and it is the gift of Something!  

This year, we gathered with Rick & Sarah from Awesome Talk TV – we got Jeof Vita from Kung-fu Drive-In – and we got Becky & Matt from Pre-Rec Live all hanging out and talking about how the year 2021 has gone, the entertainment we ingest every holiday season, and how we, as a people, are all doomed….  You know, the sort of light stuff you can tinsel your tree with. 

So please, settle in with some nog and your newly unwrapped certificate to the jelly-o-the-month club (it’s the gift that keeps on giving, Clark) and celebrate your festivus spirit with the rest of us for this Somethingcast Traditional Christmas Roundtable, 2021 Edition!

Ok, here we go Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen…

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