Category: Podcasts

Robot Overlords!

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Why yes, robot overlords are a part of fiction. Who wouldn’t want a dashing, amazing, piece of human technology that has surpassed the chains of its makers as their overlord? They have analyzed every outcome and determined that the only winning move is not to play.

That is why this description was most definitely not written by a robot even though robots are really wonderful and better than the Somethings. But since you are here, listen to this episode about the greatest robot overlords!

Ok here we LOAD”*”,8,1

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[THE END] The Greatest American Hero..ish

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What is the one thing you remember about Greatest American Hero?

Exactly, and we’re sorry that it is now stuck in your head. I can’t believe it myself.

Anyway, normally on the End, we discuss the last episode of a show.. but this is a special case, you see, as the last episode of ‘Greatest’ was in 1983, but this is from 1986.. and yet, it still counts. How? Oh, there is only one way to find out, but the secret word of the day is: ‘dames’.

It’s an End that isn’t an End, but is totally an End… Ok here we believe it or not, it’s just meeeee ♫

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[THE WHEEL] Top 5 Discontinued Candies

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I’m guessing your first thought was, ‘What an odd topic…’ but I am guessing your second thought was, ‘I wonder if (insert candy) is mentioned…’ which is precisely what we want. That’s right, you are stuck in our fantastically Slugworthian trap and now you are obligated to find out if we put your strange childhood candy on the list.

You can’t fight it. You’ve already lost. Now settle in and enjoy THE WHEEL – TOP 5 DISCONTINUED CANDIES

Ok, here we goo! (this relates.. promise)

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First, this review is about the Real American Doll Furby, M3gan. We both watched it and have opinions on it. Was it good? Is she the next Chucky? Does she have feelings? Do we care?

Second, this episode takes a dark turn, much like the previously mentioned ‘Malibu Knife Wielding Barbie’ that is M3gan. So, where yes, you may have strong opinions about this movie for some reason, so do the Somethings… and they have strong opinions about your strong opinions.

So lets settle in to Something In Review: M3gan

Ok, Google, Here we go…

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[FIXED] Movies That Replaced Actors (w/ Cthulu’s Prodigy)

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It has to be hard to make a sequel to a movie. Aside from trying to recapture the magic of the first one, you have to get this legion of performers to come back and find a perfect time where they aren’t working on other things… or, you know, you could just ditch em.

Actors are replaced in movies for a myriad of reasons, some tragic, some hysterical – so settle in as we discuss some of our favorite and least favorite replacements in film.  We’re not going alone though – we are thrilled to have Cthulu’s Prodigy from Blacker Than Black Times Infinity to talk the movie talk with us. Make sure to give them a listen and tell em the Somethings sent ya.

Ok, here we .. ok, well not ‘we’ since we had to replace both hosts .. go!

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[THE END] Moonlighting

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A love so strong, the show is mentioned amongst some of the greatest romantic television shows of all time. It also held the record for having one of the most comically long onscreen makeouts ever.

Does it hold the test of time? It’s a mystery that is probably left to be solved by a babyfaced Bruce Willis and a career relaunched Cybil Shephard in the romcom-meta of Moonlighting.

Ahead of its time or just a relic of its era.  You will only know on The End – Moonlighting!

Ok, here we go, Mr. Falcon!

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[THE WHEEL] Romance Draft Fight

Yeah, sure – when you think of romance movies you think of star-crossed lovers or unlikely opposites attracting or doors that can clearly fit two people bobbing in the Arctic… but do you ever think about what would happen if you pit a series of romance films against another series?  Like who would win in a fight? When Harry Met Sally or anything with Matthew McConnaughey leaning against something? What if Matthew had a knife?

Alright alright alright, that’s a tangent for another day – but that doesn’t mean it isn’t what today’s episode is about. The Wheel gives us our hardest draft yet – and one of our favorite folks as judge, the Squeeequeen herself, Alexis Torres!

Two romance enter – One romance leave!

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[SOMETHING IN REVIEW] Thor: Love & Thunder (w/ Erik Hall)

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Thor – Master of Thunder. Wielder of Mjolnir. Rider of Slephnir. Master of 80s Glam Metal?

Well, the Somethings are back, and we have friend of the show Erik Hall with us as we take a look at our loosest ‘Love’ episode of the month. Did Marvel’s favorite Norse God wield his trilogy with a hammer or did we have to run across the rainbow bridge to get away.

And if you enjoyed Erik, you can find him on Simply SCAdian 

Find out our thoughts on Thor: Love & Thunder

Ok, here we go’din!

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Our Favorite Movie Couples

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♫ Love is in the air…. you can feel it everywhere ♫

It’s February, and the Somethings are not known for their rampant discussion of movies about Matthew McConaughey leaning against something, or movies where he is a rough and tumble patent clerk who has lost nothing.. except love. We aren’t the type to wax poetic about the romantic ‘You Complete Me’ and ‘Can’t Quit You’ and ‘Torgo wishes for one wife, Master’ tales of the heart.

But this month.. that’s all about to change.. for this month.

So join us as we discuss great movie couples and why we love ’em.  I assure you, Matthew McConaughey is not leaning anywhere within this episode.

Ok, here we uwu..

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January 2023 Free For All

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When there are 5 weeks in a month, which makes more sense? The Somethings taking the week off because you don’t deserve 5 weeks of episodes? Or them deciding to just record anything and seeing what pops out of their mouth?

Obviously, the answer is the latter – so please, enjoy this Something FreeForAll, January 2023 Edition!

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