[BLOG] ThankSomething

This is the last ‘official’ blog before we go on our usual December hiatus, and we’ll usually put up a Seasons Greetings card or something before the year is out, but the way the dates fell left it to me. Rob gave his thanks two weeks ago to all of you, and I think it goes without saying that I also thank each and every one of you for sticking with us over the years.  This summer marks a Decade of Something, which isn’t our official title for it.. but that’s what I’m voting for.

Anyway, the past year, Rob and I revisited some topics, we tried out another ‘Meta’ episode where there was something else going on while we talked, we reviewed a surprising number of horror movies, and tried to figure out what shows make ‘The End’ work, because it is Rob has a closer finger on the pulse of what makes a good choice there. (Behind the curtain, notoriously my picks get listened to the least) We are in a constant conversation about what we can do and what we may want to do and it is so fantastic to have a partner in this that, unless there is a damn good reason not to do something, is willing to live by improv rules and ‘Yes, and…’ with me.

So, to keep this brief, thank you all for being part of the journey. As someone who has always tried to have some outward facing creative thing going on, it’s because there is amazing, uncut, pure, columbian-grade seratonin that runs through your blood when someone tells you that you made them snort with laughter or made them so pissed off about how wrong you are they needed to charge in and correct you even though you still stand by that Gremlins 2 isn’t a good movie even if it is for a good reason.

Thanks for being part of the ride and watch this space for some extra episodes coming soon.

To you and yours, sláinte. We’ll see you at the Christmas Party.

Author: RevVoice