Not every movie is made equal, and some are made mighty unequal by the replacement of a key character.. we sat with friend Cthulu’s Prodigy and discussed.
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It has to be hard to make a sequel to a movie. Aside from trying to recapture the magic of the first one, you have to get this legion of performers to come back and find a perfect time where they aren’t working on other things… or, you know, you could just ditch em.
Actors are replaced in movies for a myriad of reasons, some tragic, some hysterical – so settle in as we discuss some of our favorite and least favorite replacements in film. We’re not going alone though – we are thrilled to have Cthulu’s Prodigy from Blacker Than Black Times Infinity to talk the movie talk with us. Make sure to give them a listen and tell em the Somethings sent ya.
Ok, here we .. ok, well not ‘we’ since we had to replace both hosts .. go!