Ach! The Somethings have done their share of voices.. well, so have actors, and in some cases, we would prefer to listen to our own. Enjoy the Somethings mocking bad movie accents in this weeks best of!
Original Post:
And unlike the picture perfect Pacino accent that previous sentence was written in, sometimes a movie can pull you right out when someone’s accent doesn’t exactly match their character. Are they an American with a Brit twang? Are they Southern and sound like they came straight from the Civil War? Are they a Spaniard and yet somehow sound precisely like they don’t give a damn about any of the movies in this franchise?
Well, we’re about to take them to task.
Did you read that with a perfect patois? You should, as you join us on Worst Accents in Movies
O’ah kay, here we go, an’ nobody gets our lucky charms!