[BLOG] My Time in the KISS Army – PCR

Hey Somethings, PCR here!

Been chatting with a friend of mien across the pond recently as she’s been posting a lot of KISS content to her socials, and it brought me back to the heyday of my youth.

Two of the first vinyl albums I ever bought was KISS Alive : II and the Gene Simmons solo album.  I was a HUGE fan of the band… dressed as Gene for Halloween multiple times, hell, even got kicked out of Webster Hall one Halloween dressed as him (that’s.. a long and humorous story), so I wanted to take this time to touch on some of my favorite KISS songs…

Radioactive : Gene Simmons Solo Album

I will fully admit now, KISS is an.. interesting band.  Listed on Wikipedia as “Hard Rock”, “Heavy Metal”, “Shock Rock” and “Glam Rock”… I’m not really KISS can be pigeon-holed into a category.  They’ve gone into Soft Rock (See You Tonight : Gene’s solo album), Disco (I Was Made For Lovin’ You : Dynasty), even ProgRock (the entirety of Music from : The Elder).  Radioactive had Rock elements and, a surprising amount of piano on support for a “hard rock” band.  While a Gene solo album song, hearing it again for the first time in years brought me right back to ’78.

God of Thunder : Destroyer

When most people think of a KISS album, this is the one they think of (or Love Gun), and while this album is chock-a-block full of absolute bangers, God of Thunder stands out to me the most.  Also, local bar band “The Goatmen” did a pretty amazing cover of it which you can find here.

Music From “The Elder”

Concept Album designed to reinvigorate the band and brand after lagging sales from “Unmasked”?  Soundtrack to a never filmed/unreleased movie?  Regardless of the actual truth, and regardless that it’s been listed at #44 on “The 50 Worst Albums Ever Recorded”, I absolutely LOVE this album.  The whole thing.  “Under the Rose” and “The Oath” feel right back to their roots, “World Without Heroes” is deep in message, and even “Odyssey” with Paul Stanley’s distinct voice doing such a romantic ballad-esque song makes me crack a smile.  Definitely worth a listen.

Beth : Destroyer

The quintessential ballad.  Peter Criss doesn’t have the best voice, but that adds to the honesty and gravity of the lyrics.  If you don’t like this song, you’re not a fan of music.

What about YOU Somethings?  Hit our socials and let us know your thoughts on KISS!


Author: Podcast Rob