[BLOG] Big Matt talks AI!

Hey folks, Big Matt here,

My take on the current state of AI…

So everyone is worried about AI right now, right? With good reason, I would say, but at the same time, will it benefit us? This blog isn’t about that. This blog is about how it will end us all. Will AI and automation put people out of jobs? Sure. Will that be a bad thing? I’m not sure. Do I like being able to ask extremely silly questions about nonsensical scenarios and get serious, calculated answers from ChatGPT? I really do.

Do I love asking ChatGPT what would happen if Gandalf was dropped righht in the middle of the battle for Hogwarts in book 8? Hell yes I do. Have I asked how the ending to Fiddler on the Roof would have been different if Tevye had a “Predator movie style hand carried mini gun?” You’re god damn right I have. Have I asked what kind of bits would come from a meeting of Abbot & Costello and Sam Kinison? Hehe, oh yes, and there was a lot of screaming involved, but not from who you think.

And that extremely worthless type of questioning is why I love AI right now. Will it always be this useful yet fun? Probably not, so we should probably enjoy it while we can, before it enslaves us all.

– Big Matt

Author: Podcast Rob