[BLOG] 11 Years…

Hey Somethings, PCR here!

Well, the rotation lands on me for the final blog post of our 11 year run.

11 years…

I feel like I’m in the last 10 minutes of “Cheers”, where Sam is walking around the bar, and memories just hit me… some good, some bad…

…the sound of Hatton’s voice on the phone every time I told him about an interview we scored…

…the admittedly ugly tension that happened on a particular LOST episode recording…

…the first time we tried remote recording, catching him off guard with “The Hatton Episode”, our attempt at an MST3K style episode…

…our radio dramas, our Dramatic-Ish readings…

Hatton likes to say that we never would have made it 11 years if it wasn’t for the way I pushed us and tried to keep us on track.  While that may be true, we never would have gotten out of the starting gate if it wasn’t for James asking me in the first place.

We’ve hashed out and retold our origin story more times than Batman’s, so I won’t go in to it yet again, but that fateful night in a swanky little dive bar that doesn’t even exist anymore set these wheels in motion, and for those of you who’ve been a part of it… Thank You.

Watch this space.  There’s new things to come.


Author: Podcast Rob