Tag: Movies

Episode 30 – Bond, James Bond Part 2

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One year ago, the Somethings brought to you the first of a 35 part series – Bond, James Bond.  Well this time we’re covering Lazenby and Moore.  From the music to the gadgets to the Bond girls to the villains, the Somethings are going to shake you.. not stir you.  Wait, that makes us sound bad.  Nevermind, ignore that.  We’re going to Jaw your NickNacks…. you know what, I have nothing here, so I shall give you no Moore. …get it?   It’s the Bond episode, Part 2!

Full Episode

If you are looking for Part 1, look no further: Bond, James Bond Part 1


One last thing – The Somethings have our Halloween episode all figured out, but we thought it would be cool if we invited you to help us decide what to do in November, so – if you have a Facebook account, CLICK HERE and vote on what topic you think we should hit up next.  Thanks!

Episode 29 – Bad Movies

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Perhaps you’ve noticed that the Somethings have a love of the finest of cheeses.  Whether it be a delicious action movie that is slathered with green screen or a science fiction romp that you can just smell the paint peeling in your living room as you watch it.  The Somethings are connoisseurs of this special brand of cheese…. the bad movie.

Now, we all have the movies we love that other people’s raise an eyebrow when you start quoting.  The simple fact that you know more than a single quote from an eyefeast such as Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon let alone can recite most of it in interpretive dance is confusing to a high percentage of the world.

Not us.

Join the boys as the topic today is the movies that you can’t help just love to love, even when nobody else gets it…. it’s time for some fun bad cinema.

Full Episode

Episode 25 – The Marvel Movieverse, Pt. 2 [Live!]

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WHERE WE LAST LEFT THE SOMETHINGS – They were hanging out at WildPigComics with guests, Owner Chris Eberle, Manager & Webcomicker Bill Ellis, and Hatton’s wifey Madison talking about the Marvel Movieverse!

They discussed all the things that happened before. Phase 1. What we know. What we’ve seen. What has been etched into our collective reptillian nerd brain.  But what of things to come?  What of Phase 2 and the completely mythical and rumor-milled Phase 3!?

Join us once again for the second part of our 1 Year Anniversary Spectacular!


NOTE: As has been a theme of the first year of our show, technical difficulties always raise their pretty little heads, and there were times in the show where some microphones seemed to be at varying levels.  I’ve done my best to even out the sound so everyone is audible, but that also has increased a certain amount of ambient noise.  This will be fixed in future 1 year celebrations. – J

Full Episode

Episode 24 – The Marvel Movieverse, Pt. 1 [Live!]

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A little over a year ago – James Hatton, creator of webcomics and hoster of thingies ran into a friend of his years of doing RennFests.  They struck up conversations and Hatton remembered just how well they gelled and just how funny of a sumbich he was.  He went and offered the chance of a lifetime to one Podcast Rob.  A short time later, the SomethingSomethingCast was born.

Now where Hatton may have been the one that brought up the idea – since then, Rob has been a tour de force of making sure the show happens regularly, that creative ideas are always flowing – so Hatton may have started it up, but Rob has become the heart of it.

To celebrate this first year – the boys have gone to WildPigComics with an audience and a panel to discuss the Marvel Movie Universe!  The Past, Present & Future

Thank you all for listening – and we look forward to another year of.. uhm.. something.. err.. something..

NOTE: As has been a theme of the first year of our show, technical difficulties always raise their pretty little heads, and there were times in the show where some microphones seemed to be at varying levels.  I’ve done my best to even out the sound so everyone is audible, but that also has increased a certain amount of ambient noise.  This will be fixed in future 1 year celebrations. – J

Full Episode

Episode 22 – The Movie Quiz Show

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So you’ve listened to the cast… you’ve heard Podcast Rob and James talk about the movies they know and love… but how well do they know them.

These two unendingly quoting buffoons have decided to put themselves to the test in a show where they list off some of their favorite quotes from film and see if the other can name the movie it came from.   Play along at home and see how many you get!  Also make sure to listen close as we’re running a little contest this show that might score you some of the first SomethingCast swag!

Full Episode

Episode 17 – The Heist Show

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First… we need the plan.  Then, we need the action guy.  Once the action guy is in place we need someone for demolition.  Put that in place and we get a wheel man.  After the wheel man knows the route, we’re gonna meet up with the mark.  The mark’s not going to know what hit ’em as we take him for every purple cent.  Remember though, you can’t con an honest man.. but I’m pretty sure you are all aware that these Somethings are not honest men.

That’s right folks, the boys are taking you down the road to their favorite confidence game & heist films on this episode of the SomethingSomethingCast

Full Episode

Episode 16 – Harold Ramis

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So for the first time in the Somethingcast’s long and sordid catalog, we take a look on the career of Harold Ramis, whom the world was sad to have lost this passed year.  It is easy to say and recognize that without the work and stylings of Mr. Ramis, we would have a lot less funny things to talk about.

Share and enjoy! (Since you’re asking, that’s a Multiplicity joke)

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

Parts on hold until someone tells me they use them. 

Episode 14 – The Villain Episode

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What makes a character a villain? Is it the way they talk? Is it solely the sum of their actions? Perhaps it is the podcast they record?

Whatever the case may be, this week the Somethings talk about their favorite villains from all ends of media. From the darkest Sith on the block to the only man that can best Holmes, there is nothing that makes a hero more than his nemesis.

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

Parts on hold until someone tells me they use them. 

Episode 11 – Sports Movies

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Bottom of the 8th, field is loaded, and we have 3 bogies drafting us before we hit love.

That’s right, Podcast Players, the Somethings are bringing you their top 5 favorite sports movies.

From the traditional football and baseball to the lesser known curling and figure skating.. the boys are showing their true Olympic spirit!

Find out who we love here:

Full Episode

Episode 10 – Bond, James Bond (Connery)

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Somethings, Something Somethings… that doesn’t have as good of a ring to it.  Continuing our 30 part retrospective on the collective works of Ian Fleming.

This part: James Bond – The Connery Years.

What’s your favorite Bond Girl?  Favorite Tech Gadget?  Favorite unusually handicapped villain?

Find out ours here:

Full Episode