[BEST OF 2022] Review: Black Phone
Tagged 2022, retroBest of 2022 continues with Rob’s Review pick – Black Phone.
Here’s what we said then:
We’re nearing SomethingSpookums season, so wasn’t Hatton surprised when Rob suggested one of the Summer’s sleeper horror hits Black Phone.
A young man is kidnapped by the local kidnapper, natch, and through a series of mysterious moments… maybe he finds his way home?
Was it good? Was it great? Was it overhyped or just right? It’s time for Something in Review: Black Phone
Who ya gonna call! …wrong movie, sorry…
[BEST OF 2022] Favorite Opening Scenes
Tagged 2022, retroWelcome to our next Best of 2022 – this week, Hatton has picked one of his favorites… Favorite Opening Scenes.
Here’s the original post:
The first moments of a movie or TV show sets the stage for what’s to come… is it a tense moment to moment thriller? Is it confusing, where the plot reveals itself slowly? Is it a podcast that introduces itself the same way to you each week for the last 9 years?
Whatever the case may be – the first few moments of a show or movie may be the thing that keeps you glued to your seat… so join the Somethings as we discuss our favorites.
Did yours make the cut? Only one way to find out.
Okay, here we start!
[BEST OF 2022] Franchises That Should Have Stopped…
Tagged 2022, retroIt’s that time of year again – when the Somethings take some time off to recharge their poddery batteries, and this year, we’re taking a look back at some of our favorite episodes we’ve done over the last year, so every Friday and Tuesday in December, join us as we take a look back before we kiss this year g’bye.
Enjoy ‘Franchises That Should Have Stopped At 1‘
From the original post:
Some movies need to make rent so they sell themselves to whatever bidder happens to have a coupon for a McRib Value Meal.
Today, the Somethings are talking about the latter of those two – movies that went one strong, maybe two strong, but somewhere down the line you can find a copy of their 4th outting stuck to the bottom of the DVD Value Pack box at RiteAid. Or they’re loved and we’re monsters and you’ll have to tweet us to tell us why.
Ok, here we go!
Week 5 Free-For-All, Nov 2022
Tagged 2022, Free For AllSometimes there are 5 Tuesdays in a month, so on those glorious days, you get an extra Somethingcast! Now, the boys don’t really plan for this to happen. They don’t write the calendar, blame the Gregorians, so who the heck is going to expect them to plan something?
Thus, the Free For All episode was born.
This time, however, there is one particular piece of entertainment that slipped passed the Something’s security, and they want to talk about it before everyone has forgotten about it.
So settle in, because we’re going to Haddonfield.
Ok, here we go!
[BLOG] ThankSomething
Tagged 2022, BlogThis is the last ‘official’ blog before we go on our usual December hiatus, and we’ll usually put up a Seasons Greetings card or something before the year is out, but the way the dates fell left it to me. Rob gave his thanks two weeks ago to all of you, and I think it goes without saying that I also thank each and every one of you for sticking with us over the years. This summer marks a Decade of Something, which isn’t our official title for it.. but that’s what I’m voting for.
Anyway, the past year, Rob and I revisited some topics, we tried out another ‘Meta’ episode where there was something else going on while we talked, we reviewed a surprising number of horror movies, and tried to figure out what shows make ‘The End’ work, because it is Rob has a closer finger on the pulse of what makes a good choice there. (Behind the curtain, notoriously my picks get listened to the least) We are in a constant conversation about what we can do and what we may want to do and it is so fantastic to have a partner in this that, unless there is a damn good reason not to do something, is willing to live by improv rules and ‘Yes, and…’ with me.
So, to keep this brief, thank you all for being part of the journey. As someone who has always tried to have some outward facing creative thing going on, it’s because there is amazing, uncut, pure, columbian-grade seratonin that runs through your blood when someone tells you that you made them snort with laughter or made them so pissed off about how wrong you are they needed to charge in and correct you even though you still stand by that Gremlins 2 isn’t a good movie even if it is for a good reason.
Thanks for being part of the ride and watch this space for some extra episodes coming soon.
To you and yours, sláinte. We’ll see you at the Christmas Party.
– Hatton
[THE END] Westworld
Tagged 2022, The End, TVWhat started as a single season of television that people will probably rank as ‘one of the best’ for a long time. Twists. Brilliant acting choices. One of the coolest scores in tv. Robots. Cowboys. Robot Cowboys…. ends where?
Does it end in a satisfying place where the tethers that have been left from the first episodes are tied together in a bow and bring the whole of the arc to a satisfying conclusion? Does HBO give up on the show because the ratings have tanked? Does any of it make any sense at all? Is there any brilliance to pull from it at all?
These answers and more as the Somethings take on The End: Westworld
Ok, here we don’t see anything at all…
[BLOG] Wrapping up 2022 and beyond
Tagged 2022, BlogHey all, PCR here!
We’re closing in on the end of yet another year and, as always, I wanted to thank you. Those who listen, those who buy our merch, those who became Patrons.. if it wasn’t for you all, James and I would just be two guys talking to each other.
As in years past, we’ll be taking December off for the holidays, but we’ll still have content! While we’ll be putting a pause on our Patreon content and billing as well as our blogs, we are compiling our favorite episodes of 2022!
Every Tuesday and Friday, we’re going to re-release one of our favorites from the past year and.. who knows.. we might even drop something new along the way, and.. if you’re looking for some swag, we’ll have some new shirts up before the Holidays as well!
It’s been a great year for us, and we’re looking to do even bigger and better things for 2023!
[THE WHEEL] The Mystery of Oak Island
Tagged 2022, Mysteries of the Somethingverse, The WheelWhen you were a kid, did you imagine that there was buried treasure out there, and with a shovel and a dream, you would dig on the beaches and one day find it?
Well, two multi-millionaires are doing just that, and apparently they’ve turned it into a multi-season reality show that Hatton’s only just hearing about. The Wheel though, the Wheel knows, and it brings the mysterious Oak Island to the forefront of the Somethings as they delve into the Mysteries of the Somethingverse yet again, with The Mystery of Oak Island
Ok, here we yo ho ho!
[BLOG] A Little Something About Gaming Genres
I had written about half of a blog about a bunch of video games, but you know what – I’ve done that a lot. So, just to sum up ‘Hatton plays a lot of video games’. There, there you go.
So what will we discuss instead? How about how annoyed I am at video games…
More to the point, I am regularly annoyed at the genres companies put on their games, because they are almost always deeply flawed. My problem is one that has existed for almost as long as gaming has, and that is the definition of genres.
First, I should say, that it is really easy to fall into the ‘super snobby niche’ issues you used to see a lot in music. ‘We’re a doom thrash ice metal blendcore band, but we don’t get into any of the vapor house thunder pudding, that shit’s lame’ You see, when you get into that sort of nerdery, you are saying words that everyone hears as ‘..so you play metal?’
I’m talking about how every game is now every genre to assure when you search for that genre… every game appears. Want a puzzle game? Elden Ring has boxes on crates and hidden keys! PUZZLE! Rogue-like? Well, the new COD features 4 different kinds of bullets that appear randomly.. ROGUE-LIKE! Roleplaying game? In Gotham Knights, you are playing the role of Nightwing! ROLEPLAYING! Need a special skill to get one area? METROIDVANIA!
It’s infuriating and it makes trying to find something new and interesting impossible.
And sadly, there is no way to put this genie back in the bottle without getting into that super niche snobbery, “Yes, I too am a fan of open world voxel non-narrative survival craft games.” and “Single screen retro arcade platform action bubble bouncing dragon games.” But, it would be nice if gaming companies would just put the big definer up front instead of assuming all of their games are all things for all people.
So, until that gets fixed, I’ll be over here enjoying my Tunic a game that is not Souls-Like, and is a love letter to Zelda… so obviously, a Metroidvania game. (It’s also brilliant and you should play it)
Tagged 2022, Movies, Something In ReviewI’d like to think if you know the Somethings, you knew this was coming eventually. We mentioned it a month or two ago, because the minute Hatton saw this movie.. he knew one thing.. he needed to make Rob see it.
Why? Well, have you seen it? If you haven’t – stop reading – go watch it – then come back. Now you know why, and I’m sorry I made you do that. M. Night returns to the world of film with a movie that is less twist and more twit. So hop on in our mid-size-sedan and find out what happens on this Something In Review: Old Edition
Ok, here we… what is it we do… oh, that’s right.. Go!