Tag: Horror
Something In Review #2 – The Lost Boys
Tagged 2018, Creature Feature, Horror, Something In Review
Now that the shine has worn off the new Something Products(tm), it’s time to get into it.
It’s Halloween time, so what better for us to go back and look at, but a classic 80’s vampire flick – arguably the trend setter for thousands of club kids on Something In Review.
So get your grease up your saxophonist, garlic, carve your crosses, and if you are feeling Froggy, you probably should leap. (Get it… because the Cory? …nevermind)
Episode 122 – Hanging w. Kyle Hester
Tagged 2018, guests, Horror, Movies
The Somethings are in the same studio for the first time in a long time. For such a momentous occasion, we have gotten ourselves a fantastic guest in the way of Kyle Hester.(@KyleDHester) Now,you might not be aware of Kyle, but you will be soon. With multiple movies on their way to your streaming and movie viewing world. Today, he is promoting Preacher Six (@PreacherSix), an action-creature-intense feast. Before you dive in to the episode, check out the trailer below, and help them wi0th their last round of crowdfunding to make their dream a reality!
We talk movies, sports, the hard journey of Hollywood, and Kyle helps us out with a new feature: Wheel vs. Wheel!
You ready? Check out all things Preacher Six.
Ok, here we go…
Episode 113 – The Cloverfield Paradox
Tagged 2018, guests, Horror, Movies, netflix, SciFiIt was the night of the biggest sports game in the country. Millions upon millions watched the one team go and defeat the other one. There was a bird one and a soldier one or something like that. Anyway, a commercial popped up informing everyone that right after the ball was done being foot’d, Netflix was going to take over millions of living rooms with the third in the Cloverfield Series.
So with social media abuzz over it, of course the Somethings watched it and have opinions!
So how was it? What was it? How does it relate? Did JJ Abrams give us another Super 8, or another Lost?
Joining us this week to talk all things Clover are old Something Friends, Katie Cullen (@kiaxet) & Megan Salinas (@themenguin) from both AfterBuzz TV and their horror podcast, Silver Screams (@silver_screams) which you can find on Youtube!
So strap in to the first big viral sensation of the year and see how it ranks.
Also – don’t forget about our new sponsor: Quixotic Games and their new game Dungeon Alliance, available for order at your local gaming spot.
Ok here we go!
Episode 106 – Stranger Things 2
Tagged 2017, Horror, netflix, retro, SciFi, TVIt’s time to go back to the umop apisdn (that doesn’t work if you use a weird font) ..anyway, it’s time to head on back and see what’s going on in the eeriest of Indiana’s – that’s right, Netflix’s bingers dream has returned for nine more episodes of small town life with a Lovecrafty spin.
So find out what the boys thought about the return of all of the kids we know with a few folks we were equal parts thrilled and horrified to see.
So get your eggos and settle in – it’s time to get our paddles.
Ok, here we demigo!
Episode 105 – Vampire Movies w/ Megan Salinas
Tagged 2017, Creature Feature, guests, HorrorThe rules you need to know:
– You have to invite them in
– You’ll never see them in front of a mirror
– If you stake them, they will die
– Go sparingly on the garlic
I am course am talking about the Somethings, who are back with an episode about the monster movie’verses grand pappy of em all, the Vampire!
We are in the horrortastic best month of the year when it comes to popping on your favorite fright fest and that’s exactly what we decided to do with the batty, glittery, dark lords of the macbre. So settle in for this spooktacular movie party with AfterBuzzTV and Silver Scream’s own Megan Salinas (@themenguin) to bring her horror loving pedigree to add in to our own.
Know what I hate about these podcasts… too many damn vampires.
Ok, here we ghoul!
Episode 88 – American Horror Story
Tagged 2017, Horror, TVWith the craziness of our Patreon radio drama, we might have a little bit of horror on the mind.
The Somethings are talking one of the most interesting shows on television in American Horror Story. British style season per story direction. Old actors finding new life, and old themes finding new spins. Whether it’s fighting your way out of a hotel with doors that lead to nowhere, or hanging with the coolest Coven in the Big Easy, the Somethings have their favs.
So settle in and, as always, spoilers abound.
Ok, here we go.
Episode 86 – The Crow
Tagged 2017, Horror, Movies, retroSometimes someone leaves this world with a mission still in their heart. Whether they were murdered or someone they loved needs vengeance – sometimes… just sometimes.. the spirit of the Crow summons them back to this world and acts as their totem to invincible power. Unless you know magic. Or hurt the crow. Or are Satan. Or.. invent another rule.
That’s right – the boys are heading into the dark streets of the world of the gothy macabre and looking at the world of the Crow. We’ve watched all 4 movies (yes.. there are 4 of them) and ranked them from best to worst so that you didn’t have to even consider watching them.
It can’t rain all the time… I mean, it could, but then we would be watching Waterworld.
Episode 80 – Zombie Survival Team
Tagged 2016, Creature Feature, guests, Horror, Movies, TV, VSThe Somethings decided that since it is the scaaaarrriest of holidays, we would go and give you a treat and not a trick this year, by releasing tomorrow’s episode for you today. That way you can enjoy our spooooooky conversation while you are out haunting around.
So what is this episode about? Well – take your top four fictional characters that you want by your side during the zombie apocalypse. We take one from movies. One from television. One from book fiction. One wildcard. And then we decide who would survive.
Now, you have to figure that James and Podcast Rob are both going to think their team is the strongest, so they got themselves a judge to solve who’s team is the best of the best. None other than friend of the show, horror afficienado, from the Supernatural Department at Head Over Feels, Dawn!
So we know you are going to disagree with us… which means you should start a discussion below!
Ok, here we boo! (get it? ..because it’s… right.. you get it.. nevermind)
Episode 74 – Stranger Things
Tagged 2016, Horror, netflix, retro, SciFi, TVIt’s time for the boys to head umop apisdn.
In another in a long string of shows that everyobody must binge watch lest they feel the wrath of the nerdy portions of the internet, Hatton and Rob are no different and have succumbed to the newest and hottest streaming thing, Stranger Things.
So join them as they find themselves stepping sideways through the rift between this world and another, bringing along a mysterious new friend who might or might not have otherworldly powers…
Reminisce about all those things that the show reminded them of and join in the conversation here or on all of our social media. Then, stick around for some important stuff at the end of the episode about the future of the Somethings and where else you might find them these days.
PS – Lookin for vinyl – Ask Hatton.
PS^2 – Looking for a neat shirt – Ask Rob.
Ok, here we stay or here we go, now…
Episode 57 – Found Footage Films
Tagged 2015, Horror, MoviesStep one – take a camera
Step two – strange and horrible things happen to you
Step three – PROFIT!
The Something’s heading off with nothing but their wits and a camera, with an episode all about Found Footage/Shaky Cam movies. Whether it is a horrible creature tromping through the woods, or an urban legend coming to life in the woods, or a … why are all of these things in the woods?
Anyway – monsters, powers, mayhem galore on the just after Thanksgiving edition of the SomethingSomethingCast.
Note – We would like to thank Olivia Hennis of The Papercuts Podcast for her help with this episode. (And her show’s pretty rockin if you love young adult novels & films)