Tag: SciFi

Episode 68 – Post-Apocalyptic TV

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The time is a day after tomorrow… the place… Somethingville.

Was it the bombs that dropped?  Or the plague that killed all the men?  Perhaps it was the Zeds?

We don’t know – all we know is it makes for some interesting television. The Somethings and special guest Alexis Torres from AfterBuzzTV and Black Hollywood Live delve into a small niche realm of shows that all seem to start right after the big whatever hits.

Also, be sure to check out our blogpost review of Anime FanFest

Full Episode

Episode 60 – The Force Awakens

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… two guys were the last ones to get on a certain train.  A train featuring a giant star killing planet and a dude who sky walks and a couple of kids with a bunch of superpowers… yes, that’s right… the Somethings are going to face off against Xur and the Koda– no? Oh. Star Wars.. right.. nevermind.

After the much to do about the Disney Abrams Lucas Monster has come to life, join the Somethings as we discuss those pesky mitochlorians (I’ve just been informed by Podcast Rob that it is spelled midi-chlorians.  I don’t feel bad not knowing that.)

Ok, here we go!

Full Episode

Episode 39 – Whedonverse Pt. 1 – Firefly

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Take my Somethin’ , Take My Cast, Tell me that it’s comin’ back…

Yeah, you can’t take the Cast from me…. that barely works, but we’re going with it because we are back with our first episode out in the ‘Verse.. specifically the Whedonverse, focussing on those kinda bad guys doin’ kinda bad stuff for all the good reasons.  The troupe from the Firefly Class Serenity.  So join us won’t you as we take a trip to the back rim and find out what we love about the lil’ western out in space that nobody thought could do a gorram thing.

Full Episode

PS – Please keep in on Hatton’s horror contest, comment and chat: http://www.davidwellingtonsfearproject.com

Episode 31 – Creature Features

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We’re only a few short days from Halloween, so it is time for the Somethings to start looking under their bed, making sure that the doors are locked, and to seriously stop summoning the dark lords of the Underworld.

That’s right, to celebrate the haunting season, the boys are talking about some of their favorite movie creatures.  In the past they have talked about some of their favorite movies – but what about the dark creatures that linger in their favorite films?  From the biggest supernatural baddies to the creepiest of crawlies and all creatures in between… get ready – they’re hanging out at Wild Pig Comics and making podcast ‘magic”

Ok, here we ghoul…

Full Episode

Episode 15 – The New Who Review

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The Somethings have taken on companions and we are traveling back to the halcyon days of 2005 when an oft referenced, fondly remembered, BBC show came back to the world.  It has nearly been 10 years since, and the science fiction nerd world hasn’t been the same since.

Join Hatton, Podcast Rob, Madison, and Dawn of Bookshelf Bombshells as we traverse the unending universe, following around a strange man in a box that seems to be bigger on the inside.

The Somethings are back with the New Who Review!

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

Parts on hold until someone tells me they use them. 

Episode 14 – The Villain Episode

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What makes a character a villain? Is it the way they talk? Is it solely the sum of their actions? Perhaps it is the podcast they record?

Whatever the case may be, this week the Somethings talk about their favorite villains from all ends of media. From the darkest Sith on the block to the only man that can best Holmes, there is nothing that makes a hero more than his nemesis.

Ok, here we go…

Full Episode

Parts on hold until someone tells me they use them. 

Episode 8 – LOST

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Take a bunch of people and put them in a situation where mysteries abound and their lives will forever be changed. That’s right – we’re taking on Hatton’s favorite show, Lost.

Will we get to the bottom of who the smoke monster is? Will we figure out what happened to Claire’s behbey? Do we even know what a behbey is?

Joined with guest Madison, it is the longest, densest, and most confusing cast we’ve done to date.

Also – let us know what you think of our new theme song!

Full Episode

Episode 3 – Book To Film

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On our first and only ever third episode, the SSC proves that we are well read by talking about the shows and movies that have been taken from book and put to film. There is way too much for us to cover, so we glance over popular things and discuss what we like.


Full Episode