Tag: 2022


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First, this review is about the Real American Doll Furby, M3gan. We both watched it and have opinions on it. Was it good? Is she the next Chucky? Does she have feelings? Do we care?

Second, this episode takes a dark turn, much like the previously mentioned ‘Malibu Knife Wielding Barbie’ that is M3gan. So, where yes, you may have strong opinions about this movie for some reason, so do the Somethings… and they have strong opinions about your strong opinions.

So lets settle in to Something In Review: M3gan

Ok, Google, Here we go…

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[RETROCAST] The End: Star Trek TOS

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This is it – the end of the Retrocasts.  Thank you all for letting us sleep, and we will be back in 2023 with a bunch’a great stuff…

Here’s what we wrote then:

Podcasts… The Final Frontier..

It’s time for the first End of 2021, so we are going to the future to talk about one of the godfathers of modern sci-fi – Star Trek – and discussing its final episode. Will Kirk and the boys hold up the banner of Starfleet high and make us all feel comfortable with the future Roddenberry envisioned… or will they try and tell us women are amazing and gentle creatures prone to psychotic mood swings?

Find out on THE END: Star Trek ..but you probably already have it figured out.

Ok, here we boldly go..

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[BEST OF 2022] End: Carnivale

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We’re rounding near the end of our Best of 2022, with Rob’s Pick, End: Carnivale

Here’s what we said then:

Time to hitch the wagons, hit the dusty trail for the next town, the next ballyhoo, the next mark on the route.

That’s right, it’s time to lay on hands with the rest of the geeks as we settle down to discuss Carnivale. The HBO darling that ended too soon, but why? Was it rolling downhill towards a depression or was it a show that was just too far ahead of its time for people to be able to dig their teeth in… well, there is only one way to find out, and that is to keep your hands outta our poke, save it for the cake eaters, hang with the gazoonies on The End: Carnivale!

Ohhkay here we step right up step right up it’s time for the amazing half man half man… The Man Man!

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2022 Holiday Party

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It’s a yearly tradition – the Somethings gather some of our friends and we have ourselves a big ol’ hangout. No lists. No reviews. Just talking holidays, nostalgia, and the subtle descension of our minds into an internet-addicted dystopia.

The best of the holidays, am I right?

So please, settle in as Rob & Hatton, Awesome Talk’s Rick & Sarah, and Matt & Becky of PreRecLive all make with the merry .. oh, and there may be a special guest who was unable to join us, but still found a way to interject in his own Marcus’y way.

From all of us to all of you – Thank you for being with us and we hope you have a safe and happy holiday.

Ok here we go ho ho!

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[BEST OF 2022] The Wheel: Bottom CGI

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December is flying by, we’re already up to our favorite episode of The Wheel – and since Hatton can’t stop loving things that are subjectively wonderfully delightfully bad… he picked Bottom 5: CGI, enjoy!

What we said then:

The Wheel has returned… and the narrative of the Wheel takes a new turn!  Get it? Nevermind…

Anyway, there are some new topics on the Wheel, and we have been hit with one of them.  You know how Rob and Hatton are always talking about their favorite things? Well, this week they are talking about the Bottom 5, the worst, the shameful, the hysterically bad, and the ‘wait what?’ in the realm of computer generated graphics and green screen in film.

So gather round and think back to all of those horrible aliens, blood splatters, and technological marvels that were clearly added in post, just like your hosts on BOTTOM 5: CGI

Ok, here we go!

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[BEST OF 2022] Elevator PItch: Disaster Movie

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It’s time to go to the Best of the Wheel – and Rob’s pick: Disaster Movie

Here’s what we said then:

The Wheel is a neverending mistress, always spinning, always providing. It is the alpha, the omega, and what decides our fate. We are but pawns in its sometimes brilliant, sometimes cruel decisions.

Today, the Wheel spins yet again, and the Somethings are confronted with their biggest disaster yet – plotting their own elevator pitch for a Disaster Film!

To join them on this harrowing adventure, they have called in the source of Crystal’s Imagination, Crystal Storm!

So settle in, hold your loved ones tight, and dodge the falling meteors, it’s Elevator Pitch: Disaster Movie!

Ok, here we woooaaahhh, was that a tremor? I felt a tremor…

Full Episode

[BEST OF 2022] In Review: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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Oh, some movies are just like the Jelly of the Month Club, Clark…  gifts that keep on giving. This review was for a movie that had an amazing trailer and we hoped it would be what the first new Halloween was like… and well… … … enjoy.

Here’s what we said then:

There is a movement in horror to bring back the classics. We went through the remake era with the 2000’s versions of Friday and Nightmare, but Saw and, most popularly, Halloween, has show us that there are stories to tell a few decades later in the same universe.

Now Netflix is getting in on the action with a late-quel? (is that a word?) of the horror classic, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Does it have the same legs that Laurie Strode and Michael Myers had? I ask, because that’s clearly what they were asking in the scriptwriting room…

So settle in to a dusty little empty street in Texas where nobody notices anything and real estate is cheap – it’s time for Something In Review: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Ok here we g.g.g.g.g.ggggooooOOOooo.. (that was a chainsaw noise)

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[BEST OF 2022] Review: Black Phone

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Best of 2022 continues with Rob’s Review pick – Black Phone.

Here’s what we said then:

We’re nearing SomethingSpookums season, so wasn’t Hatton surprised when Rob suggested one of the Summer’s sleeper horror hits Black Phone.

A young man is kidnapped by the local kidnapper, natch, and through a series of mysterious moments… maybe he finds his way home?

Was it good? Was it great? Was it overhyped or just right? It’s time for Something in Review: Black Phone

Who ya gonna call! …wrong movie, sorry…

Full Episode

[BEST OF 2022] Favorite Opening Scenes

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Welcome to our next Best of 2022 – this week, Hatton has picked one of his favorites… Favorite Opening Scenes.

Here’s the original post:

The first moments of a movie or TV show sets the stage for what’s to come… is it a tense moment to moment thriller? Is it confusing, where the plot reveals itself slowly? Is it a podcast that introduces itself the same way to you each week for the last 9 years?

Whatever the case may be – the first few moments of a show or movie may be the thing that keeps you glued to your seat… so join the Somethings as we discuss our favorites.

Did yours make the cut? Only one way to find out.

Okay, here we start!

Full Episode

[BEST OF 2022] Franchises That Should Have Stopped…

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It’s that time of year again – when the Somethings take some time off to recharge their poddery batteries, and this year, we’re taking a look back at some of our favorite episodes we’ve done over the last year, so every Friday and Tuesday in December, join us as we take a look back before we kiss this year g’bye.

Enjoy ‘Franchises That Should Have Stopped At 1

From the original post:

Some movies need to make rent so they sell themselves to whatever bidder happens to have a coupon for a McRib Value Meal.

Today, the Somethings are talking about the latter of those two – movies that went one strong, maybe two strong, but somewhere down the line you can find a copy of their 4th outting stuck to the bottom of the DVD Value Pack box at RiteAid.  Or they’re loved and we’re monsters and you’ll have to tweet us to tell us why.

Ok, here we go!

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