Tag: 80s
AHS: 1984
Tagged 2020, 80s, Horror, TVHave you checked out Livestream For The Cure yet? You should.
With the world topsy turvy, a month with 5 Tuesdays, we are all jumbled up, so The End came early, there’s a chaos episode next week – and this week, you get a review of a show we’ve talked about before! ..but it’s ok, because it is AHS.
American Horror Story is a staple of television these days, and each year brings a new theme, new monsters, new intrigue, and a revolving cast of characters that is drastically different than what we got in Ghost House so many years ago.
So – as the horrors head back in time, is it up to the AHS highs of Hotel and Coven? Or is it down in the lows like your least favorite season. (Most people would put Roanoke here, but I love that season) — don’t be too shy shy, find out our thoughts right now!
Ok, here we go!